Saturday, 8 February 2014

Week 2, Term One

What a fabulous week to start the year.  I am impressed with the manners Room 1 children have and their eagerness to learn new things.  Take a look at us!!

We have a focus on learning new words this term and have built up an impressive class list already.  Check out our New Vocabulary list under 'Pages' to the right.  Do you know all of the meanings?  We have also started a new phonics programme which will help us work out new words in our reading more easily, and to write unknown words in our writing.

This week we will begin writing Character Descriptions using ADJECTIVES and BUBBLE MAPS.  The purpose of a bubble map is to describe.  We will begin with describing ourselves then work on another person who is close to us.  It is also important to explain WHY you choose a particular adjective - what is the evidence?

Our Library Day is Thursday and we will be choosing books to bring home this week.  All books MUST be transported to and from school in a book bag.  We will also visit the Computer Suite and learn how to log on, open a Word document and save our work into the correct folder.

Please bring togs every day - even if it seems cold in the morning.  It usually warms up by afternoon and we will be swimming.  If it really is cold we won't go.  A note is essential if there is a medical reason for your child not swimming.  Make sure all items are named.

Speaking of naming things - with everyone in uniform now, it is even more important to ensure clothing is named clearly.  Use a permanent marker on the tag or in a prominent place.

Once everyone is issued with their stationery, we will investigate the Visual Diaries that will be used as a Writer's Notebook.  The covers will be decorated to promote individuality and we will begin collecting ideas, photos, words and artifacts to glue into these special books.  As time goes by the books will provide children with motivation for writing.  I look forward to seeing these develop in individual ways.

Discovery Time will begin on Tuesday.  We can't wait to 'discover' many new things.  Look out for photos!  There will be no class swimming lesson on Tuesday but a free lunch time swim is available if your child chooses.

This week is our turn to lead the Junior Syndicate assembly on Friday.  We have many potential leaders and there will be many opportunities for leadership throughout the year, so if you are not chosen this week don't despair!  Maybe next time will be your turn.  

Keep practicing Basic Facts.  Please bear with me while I beaver away at setting up their books.  If there is a parent willing to assist with weekly testing I would love to hear from you!  I will also set up Study Ladder this week and send home further information about this.  It is a web based activity site where children can practice new skills.  Watch this space.

Have an excellent week of learning, everyone!

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