New Vocabulary

  • adjective - a word to describe something
  • phonics - sounds of letters and sounds of patterns in words
  • subitisingInstantly recognizing the number of objects in a small group, without counting.
  • portrait - photo or picture of a person showing mainly the face.
  • present - now
  • individuality - a person who is unique or different to other people.
  • outgoing - friendly or confident
  • Treaty/contract - a signed agreement between 2 people or groups of people.
  • italics - a style of writing where the letters slope to the right.
  • initial - first or beginning
  • illustration - picture or drawing to show something.
  • eiderdown - a quilt or duvet for the bed.
  • Vaccination - a mixture that is given to prevent diseases
  • blog - a personal website where experiences, opinions or observations are recorded on a regular basis.
  • strategy - a planned method to solve a problem
  • porpoising - to rise and fall or leap like a porpoise
  • citric acid - a white acid powder derived from lemons, limes or oranges and can be made from sugar; used to flavour drinks (sour) or sweets.
  • antonym - a word that means the opposite to another word.
  • hosting - present, arrange, provide (our class hosted the Junior Syndicate assembly)
  • co-operative - working together to achieve a common goal
  • silent - making NO sound; quiet
  • conflict - a disagreement or argument
  • moral - a lesson gained from a story or experience; standards of behaviour (right or wrong)
  • paradise - a very beautiful, pleasant, or peaceful place that seems to be perfect; a place that is perfect for a particular activity or for a person who enjoys that activity.
  • verb - a word used to describe an action
  • metaphor - a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object where it is not literally applicable e.g. 'The waterfall was a curtain...'(Liam)
  • constructive - having or intending to have a positive purpose  e.g. constructive feedback (intended to help)
  • haiku - a traditional Japanese form of poetry based on nature and using 17 syllables.
  • thesaurus - a book that lists words in groups that have similar meanings
  • Slavonic Abacus - a piece of maths equipment that helps with counting in groups of 5 or 10 using coloured beads in rows of 10.
  • colossal - very big
  • digit - a written symbol for any of the numbers 0 -9;  fingers, toes
  • species - a word for grouping animals - e.g. a type of dog
  • frugal - careful with money; not wasteful
  • Tidy Numbers - numbers that are multiples of ten and have a zero in the ones place.  e.g.  30, 70, 20
  • Metacognition - thinking about your thinking; e.g. ask yourself "what strategies will I use to solve this problem>"
  • Sequence - in order
  • peer mediation - where students work together to solve problems
  • haiku - traditional Japanese poem that is written by counting syllables
  • phrase - a group of words; not a full sentence

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